How to Plant and Care for Brussels Sprouts
Brussel sprouts can be a little tricky to grow successfully, but don’t let that deter you from giving these mini-cabbages a try. We will give you some tips to producing great harvests
Growing vegetables and fruits in your home garden is fun and rewarding!
There is a sense of satisfaction that comes with eating a plant that you personally planted with your own two hands that cannot easily be described. It makes eating healthy, leafy greens and sweet, refreshing fruits very exciting.
After you’ve watered and fertilized your plants and watched them grow, you can simply pick cut off part of a leaf, pick a fruit, or trim off an herb and pop it right in your mouth. In the case of fruits, you’re actually eating the seed-bearing portion of the plant that is actually formed from the flowering ovary!
Below you will find all our articles to help you raise healthy plants in your garden that you will be able to harvest.
Brussel sprouts can be a little tricky to grow successfully, but don’t let that deter you from giving these mini-cabbages a try. We will give you some tips to producing great harvests
Known for its lemony taste and frequently used in thai dishes, lemon grass is a great plant to try raising in your garden.
Watermelon grows best in sunny garden spots with well-draining sandy soil. They need plenty of nutrients throughout the growing season to feed the long vines, and like soil that is consistently moist. Plants need to be checked frequently for pests and disease problems.
It’s easy to grow any of the three types of cucumbers — slicing, pickling, and burpless — in your home garden. If you’re limited on space opt to grow bush types or install a trellis to grow plants vertically. They can even be grown in containers. You can expect to harvest 50 to 70 days after planting.
The right companion plants can increase the growth and yield of your cucumber plants, and decrease pest and disease problems. Tomatoes, beans, corn, cabbage, and sunflowers offer shade in the summer. Nasturtium, marigolds, radish repel harmful insects. They also grow well with summer squash and lettuce.
With many different varieties to choose from, cucumbers are grouped into three main types. Slicing cultivars include Straight Eight, Marketmore, Lemon, and Space Master. Pickling cultivars include Parisian Gherkin, Garden Bush Pickle, Picklebush, and Pick a Bushel. Burpless cultivars include Suyo Long, Summer Dance, and Early Spring, to name a few.
With over 30,000 different varieties, there is definitely no shortage of apple tree species. Come learn about 15 apple tree varieties that you should consider growing.
Ground cherries, also known as cape gooseberries, are not only great tasting, but they are very unique. Try growing these ground cherries with the help of our care guide.
Growing Ginger, or Zingiber officinale, is not difficult. You can grow in your garden or in a container..indoors or outdoors. Come learn how to grow ginger and have great harvests.
Growing pumpkins is not difficult, but understanding its life cycle will greatly help you successfully raise and harvest pumpkins.
Cucumbers go through several stages before they are ready to harvest — germination, seedling growth, flowering, and then fruiting. Plants grow as vines or a bush, depending upon the variety grown. Most types are ready to harvest 50 to 70 days after germination.
Broccoli takes 85 to 100 days to go from seed to harvestable plant, depending upon the variety. After germination, the young plants focus on vegetative growth and root establishment. Vegetative growth then slows and the main head develops atop the stalk. After harvesting the main head, side shoots develop into smaller, harvestable heads.
Learning the different diseases that can infest apple trees is crucial to raising healthy plants and yield plentiful harvests. Recognize issues before they lead to bigger problems
Picking the right companion plants can add diversity to your garden and also improve harvests or deter pests. Check out our list of 19 companion plants that match them perfectly.
You can grow asparagus from seeds! Come read this article to learn more about how to do it in your own yard.
Planting a blueberry bush does not have to be difficult. With this guide, you will learn the best time and methods to get your plant into the ground.
With the proper care, you can grow blueberry bushes that will yield large and tasty harvests. Don’t shy away from trying to grow your own!
Nothing screams fall like pumpkins growing from the vine. They not only add a wonderful color, but they also can be made into different pies. If you are wondering how to grow your very own, we will show you in this article!
If you want to learn how to raise healthy corny that taste great, you’ll have to have a thorough understanding of every part of its life cycle. Come learn about its different growth stages.
Growing an apple tree at home can be fun and rewarding. Our guide will teach you the ins and outs of planting a new tree that you just bought from a nursery. Grow one that will yield large harvests.