Onion in its life cycle that is ready for harvest

Onion Growing Stages

Onions are a biennial plant, taking two years to complete their life cycle. They grow vegetatively the first year to develop the tops and produce bulbs. If plants are left in the ground over the winter they produce seeds the second growing season, and then perish.

Onions ready for harvest after being given proper care

How to Grow Onions (Complete Care Guide)

Three different types of onions are grown in home gardens from seed or small bulbs known as onion sets. Long day varieties such as Walla Wall and Sweet Spanish grow best in colder areas and need 14 to 16 hours of sunlight. Short day varieties like Sweet Red and Texas Sweet White grow in warmer, Southern climates and need 10 to 12 hours of sun. Day neutral grow in most climates and need 12 to 14 hours of sunlight.

basil that is given the right care grows quickly

How to Grow Basil – Comprehensive Guide

Basil is a fantastic herb to grow in your garden. A member of the mint family, this annual plant is easy to grow and helps improve the flavor of neighboring tomatoes. Some of the most commonly grown types are sweet, spicy globe, Thai, lemon, cinnamon, Genovese, and purple.

Freshly cut broccoli on a slab of wood

Growing Broccoli from Seed to Harvest

A member of the mustard family, broccoli is an annual plant that prefers cooler temps. Plant in the early spring for a summer harvest; plant in the summer for a fall harvest. It takes 70 to 100 days to mature once seeds germinate.

Indoor herb garden with herbs receiving sun on windowsill

Herb Gardens: Why You Need One and How to Start One

Herb gardens are a great introduction to gardening, and a convenient way to have a supply of fresh herbs on hand. Some of the best plants to start with are basil, thyme, rosemary, chives, mint, dill, oregano, and cilantro. They are all relatively easy to grow as long as they receive plenty of sunlight and are harvested regularly.

Carrot growing in soil, ready to be harvested

Carrot Growth Stages

Carrots are typically grown in home gardens are an annual plant, but they are technically biennials, needing two years to complete their life cycle. The first year they produce green leafy tops and the brightly colored fleshy roots we harvest. If plants are left in the ground over the winter they produce seeds the second growing season, and then perish.

bountiful carrot harvests depending on good growing techniques

How to Grow Carrots from Seed to Harvest

Carrots are a beloved garden plant because of their small footprint and easy growing nature. They tuck well in between other crops as long as they can get full sun, and have well-drained, loose soil. Avoid over-fertilizing them to encourage root growth over vegetative growth.

Carrots that have been harvested

Carrot Sprouts and How to Identify Them

Identifying carrot sprouts, and telling them apart from weeds, is difficult. Carrot seeds take 14 to 21 days to germinate, with immature leaves pushing through the soil surface shortly thereafter. These baby plants look like fine, green blades of grass growing out of one spot in the soil.

healthy tomatoes growing on a vine

How and When to Transplant Tomatoes

Due to their long growing season, tomatoes are usually planted indoors and then juvenile plants are transplanted to the garden. When the transplants have a strong sturdy stem, and the chance of spring frost has passed they can be moved to the garden. Acclimate plants to outdoor temperatures for about a week and then transplant them in the garden into holes twice the size of their root ball.

Mint flower picture to help identify mint flowers

Everything You Need to Know About Mint Flowers

One of the easiest ways to figure out what type of mint is growing in your garden is to look at the flowers. Spearmint flowers grow in spikes of pink or white. Peppermint has purple flowers about one-quarter inch in length that form on thick spikes protruding from the stems. Apple mint forms long spikes that grow up to 4-inches, displaying white or pike flowers.

Watermelon grow best when around companion plants

5 of the Best Companion Plants for Watermelon

Companion plants are important in gardens. To help ward off insect pests, plant onions, garlic, or chives near your watermelon plants. Aromatic flowers like lavender and marigolds also drive away pests. Flowering ornamentals will attract pollinators, dramatically improving pollination rates.

A plump watermelon with water drops on its skin

Watermelon Growing Stages (The 5 Stages)

Watermelon plants grow in very distinct stages in the garden, each with unique characteristics and needs. Seeds germinate within about a week of planting, and sprouts push through the soil surface. Vegetative growth occurs to develop a main vine with several small vines sprouting from it. Male and female flowers appear on the vines, and then, if fertilized fruits develop. The whole process takes about three months.

A guide to properly harvest and store strawberries

Harvesting Strawberries – 6 Things You Should Know

Hitting the peak ripeness is important when harvesting strawberries. The best time to pick them is when berries are completely red and firm to the touch. Berries with white spots will lack flavor and sweetness. Dark berries are overripe and go badly quickly. To harvest, grab the flowering stalk behind the fruit and pull.

Sprouts growing out of cloves of garlic sitting on soil

Garlic Growth Stages

Garlic is planted in late summer or early fall, and then harvested about 9 months later. After the cloves germinate they develop several long green leaves, and then small curled tendrils known as scapes. After the scapes form the bulbs begin to develop and grow, until they are large enough to harvest.

Ripe strawberries spilling out of a woven basket after harvest

How to Plant Strawberries

Strawberries are typically planted as rootstock or bare roots, rather than seeds, as soon as the threat of spring frost is passed. Young plants are tender and susceptible to cold weather. Choose either June bearing varieties which fruit heavily in June, or everbearing that produce fruit in small batch throughout the entire summer.

Basil leaves sitting in an orange clay bowl on top of a gray slab of stone

How to Grow Basil Indoors Year Round

Basil is a fantastic garden plant, but in areas with harsh winters it can’t be grown outside year-round. You can grow basil indoors though in containers with potting soil or hydroponically. Artificial lights will help yields, and you can continuously close new plants via cuttings.